
Australian Champion Eishund Man of Fire

** Owned by Dr. Alicia Kasbarian of Kassreign White Swiss Shepherd Dogs **

Aust. Ch. Eternalnike Amando (Imp NZL) x Aust. Ch. Andesyn Little Bit Blonde

Date of Birth: 07/10/2013

Hips: 1:3 Elbows: 0:0

DM: Clear MDR1:+/- vWD: Clear

Eyes: Clear Pituitary Dwarfism: Pending

Kado is the stunning sire from of our Wild litter, born 6th September 2023 which saw us produce our lovely girl Sienna (Royalemerald Wild At Heart). He remains in our program as we have a planned litter between him and Valkyrie in late 2025/early 2026 and we expect truly incredible puppies from this pairing.

Kado is an exceptional producer proven time and time again, as the sire of Australias first Australian bred Supreme Champion WSSD. He is the sire of dogs that have gone on to win Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show and Best in Group awards, as well as countless classes in show/group. He consistently produces excellent breed type and beautiful natures, something we have also found from our own litter to him.

We give thanks to Dr. Alicia Kasbarian of Kassreign White Swiss Shepherd Dogs for not only allowing us to breed from him once, but happily allowing us to use him again! Your support has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today and we cannot thank you enough.

We also give thanks to Angela Sneddon of Eishund White Swiss Shepherds for producing yet another stellar male.

Click here to view Kado’s pedigree.