
Royalemerald Now And Forever

Australian Champion Ublong Eyma Diva x Eishund Always Bet On Black

DOB: 02/09/2022

Height: 60cm Weight: 29.6kg

Hips: 1:3 Elbow: 0:0

DM: Clear MDR1: Clear vWD: Clear

Eyes: Clear Pituitary Dwarfism: Pending

Cerebellar Hypoplasia: Carrier

Embark COI: 31% – High Diversity / High Diversity

Lucy is the lovely long coat girl we retained from our first litter. She is the more laid back of the two girls, very calm and confident with a little bit of sass.

This beautiful girl has the same beautiful dark pigment of her sister and a lovely expression, but with improved tail carriage and croup.

It is our hope that the combination of the two girls will serve our next generation well!

Lucy has been named in tribute to our dear friend Robbi, who went by “Lucy Bunni” online, who unfortunately passed away before she could see the litter through to 8 weeks. The litter theme “Forever” was also in tribute to Robbi.

Lucy had been placed in a guardian home whilst we kept Valkyrie, so she could mature and thrive with a family of her own, then return to us for a litter. Due to this, she will unfortunately not enter the show ring. However in her limited showing with us, she was awarded Best Baby Puppy in group at  Dorrigo & District Kennel Club Inc AM show under judge Mrs Eleanor Coombs (VIC) and Best Headed Bitch at the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Association of NSW breed specialty show, under judge Mrs Caryl Morris (NSW).

Placing Lucy in a guardian home allows her to contribute to our breeding program, while also living a fulfilled life as an amazing pet, where she is the centre of her families world. Once she has completed a single litter for us (or if we decide she is not fit for breeding), she is desexed and signed over in full to her owners.

We cannot thank Kobie and her family enough for welcoming Lucy into their home, and allowing her to come back to us when the time is right.

Cerebellar Hypoplasia
DNA Clear
COI and Diversity