
Royalemerald Wild At Heart

Ch. Eishund Man on Fire x Ch. Ublong Eyma Diva

Sienna at 15months old

Hips: TBD Elbows: TBD
MDR1: +/- DM: Clear vWD: Clear
Eyes: TBD Pituitary Dwarfism: Pending
Cerebellar Hypoplasia: Clear COI: 21%

Whilst Sienna is a beautiful and very worthy dog of continuing our prefix, we unfortunately made the decision to rehome her due to her personality not meshing well with our older dogs as she matured. As we do not have a kennel facility that allows us to retain dogs without them interacting with each other and all our dogs live in our home together, a healthy balance amongst them is important.

We had hoped to place her out in a guardian home, but as no suitable home was available we made the decision to send her to a lovely new home in Perth, WA. We look forward to seeing where 2025 takes Stella and Sienna as they explore the world of sports and showing alongside her new brother Taj.

Sienna does however remain to stand as a beautiful example of the lovely dogs we produce at Royalemerald, with lovely structure and outstanding temperaments.

Show wins

Best Puppy in Show at the 2024 White Swiss Shepherd Dog Association of NSW specialty show under judge Mr. John Bryson — 10 1/2 months old

Third place 6-12 month sweepstakes under judge Mrs Ros Barden — 8 months old
Best Minor Puppy in Group at Holbrook Show Society under judge Miss Nicole Pearson
Best Minor Puppy in Show at Holbrook Show Society under judge Mrs Lynne Harwood – Her second weekend out in Minor!
Best Minor Puppy in Group at Yass Show Society under judge Mrs Kay Eldred – her first weekend out in Minor!
Sienna at 10 1/2 months with our mentor Angela S. of Eishund
2nd Place in 3 – 6 month sweepstakes at Tumut Show Society under judge Ms A Huggins.