
Lucy is home!

As most are likely already aware, Lucy is back home ahead of her impending season!

We are expecting Lucy to come in season within the next couple weeks, and having her home early means we can monitor for the signs of her season ourselves rather than burdening her guardian home family.

We are so excited for this next venture, and to see what we produce by introducing a brand new bloodline to our lines.

So far Lucy and Valkyrie are getting along like a house on fire. She is following me like a white shadow and passively demanding attention constantly, which is consistent with her temperament at home!
She also received a pre-breeding health check to ensure she is in top health, and the vets were very happy with her condition, had a good listen to her lungs and heart, and they adored her friendly and calm temperament.

Thank you so much Paula for agreeing to work with me and allowing me access to Maison for our little Lulu.

New “News” section

Good evening everyone!

Following the increased restrictions on Facebook for the sale of animals and AI flagging non-sales posts leading to our FB page being restricted and “at risk” of being removed, I have elected to create a News section on our website to filter through all the updates and news not only of puppies, but of all the important happenings with Royalemerald – show updates, trial updates etc.
Doing this, I hope to reduce the warnings my facebook page is receiving for anything animal or puppy related.

Thank you for your patience as we work things out!